Whole Food, Plant-Based Eateries

Uma Bowl with Tofu from Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen

Uma Bowl with Tofu from Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen


Plant Based Utah is happy to see the growth of a wide variety of local plant-based and cruelty free dining options. We have compiled a list of places that offer whole food, plant-based choices. For a more complete list of vegan dining options in Utah, check out the SLC Dining Guide made by our friends at UARC.

The eateries we have chosen meet the following criteria:

1.     Staff understand WFPB and promote WFPB options

2.     Menu has several WFPB options

3.     Minimal use of non-WFPB ingredients (i.e. oil, sugar, refined flour) in the vegan options.

Thai Sunrise from Zest

Thai Sunrise from Zest